Job Vacancy : PT. Lee Cooper Indonesia

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Urgently Required
PT Lee Cooper Indonesia, a retail company and branch of Lee Cooper LTD. UK, holder of Lee Cooper Jeans, One of Four Original Denim Brands in The World, and The Only One Born in England/Europe in 1908, is looking for :


Requirements :
* D3 Secretary / Office Management
* Word, Excel, Power Point
* Min. 1 years experience
* English, Energic, working with minimum supervision, hardworking, honest, fast learner

Beside the required qualifications, applicant is expected to bring along the values of : Thirst for Learning, Open Mind, Embrace Diversity, Young at Heart, Togetherness and Take Ownership.

Send CV :

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have were times of hardship when I didn't know about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright stupid person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in large initial investment.
Now, I'm happy and lucky , I begin to get real income.
It's all about how to select a proper companion who utilizes your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real deals, parts and divides the profit with me.

You can get interested, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please be informed of one of them: [url=]Online Investment Blog[/url]